More Than Words…

Words, they say are the very essence of life,
“How else will we communicate” they said…
But in growing up,
Living twenty-something beautiful years on this earth,
I’ve realised that its more than just words…
How do you explain what happens between a mother and her day-old baby.
Her toothless adorable grin, tiny hands clutching yours.
She isn’t talking, but she’s communicating directly with your heart…

What do we say to a mother who just lost her precious daughter….
“She was here, saying she’s off to school.. I held her, just. Here!” The grieving mum mutters inaudibly.

What words do we use to console a woman whose husband is slowly dying of cancer…
Day in.. Day out.. She stares into space, crying & praying silently for an answer.

Or is it the pretty Funmi, who just got jilted, after years of courtship?

Or Halima, who was raped by her brother’s friend?
The word ‘Sorry’ just makes her feel worse.

Its beyond words I tell you…
Yes, not in the words that come out of my mouth..
But in that gentle, knowing hand-squeeze,
The heart-warming smile that just finds a way to my heart…
That understanding nod,
That warm hug that just lets me know, ‘Yes, I share your pain’

Truly, its beyond words…
“Words are a pretext.
It is the inner bond that draws one person to another, not words.”

Vous avez une merveilleuse semaine
[Have a wonderful week ahead] ๐Ÿ˜€


Hey guys. Its been a lil while! So much stuff has been happening! Plus, I can already feel christmas coming on, Yippee! Even caught myself humming “Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer & White Christmas” the other day. Lool. ๐Ÿ˜€
Anyways, after the christmas holiday… We are well on our way into the new year! 2014!!!! Can’t wait, and hopefully it would be more AWESOME than 2013, which has been an awesome year yet!


Even though I’m personally anti-New Year Resolutions. (Those things don’t even work, half of the time). For those of us who have ‘resolutionised’ to lose some ‘pounds’, or save at least a million Naira before the year runs out… We know our stand…..

Anyways, here are those things we should stop doing right now:

1. That Unhealthy Diet/Feeding Habit: I’m guilty of this, as most girls are. We are starting afresh.. Lay aside every unhealthy diet fad you might have picked up.. ๐Ÿ˜€

2. That ‘I don’t care’ attitude: JUST STOP! ๐Ÿ˜ You do care, and we know it. Your aloofness, can be charming sometimes.. Some other times, its a turn-off! If you truly care about something, let it show. And if you honestly don’t care.. *Shrugs*

3. That Unhealthy crush: You have been crushing on someone, that isn’t even paying attention. Or he’s hooked, or whatever reason and you have had a crush for over ‘3months'(I guess?). Let it go!! Not only for the sisters, brothers too. LOL!.

4. Lukewarmness: As we all know, this is a punishable sin. “Don’t be warm. Either be hot or cold”. There’s no middle place in a battle field.. So fix that.

5. Excuses.. Some of us can think of a million and one excuses 2avoid going somewhere or doing something, probably you are afraid of actually accomplishing something. Or even having a little fun. Who knows?
As Nike’s slogan says.. Just do it! And ‘forget about it’ If I might add!

6. “Following the crowd”: This is a habit I find irritating. We were clearly made to stand out, so why join the crowd.. I read a quote once
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

7. Dying in silence!: Well, I mean this literally… Mentally, Spiritually, Physically. Get a general health check-up done. At least twice a year. Notice something strange, speak up. I heard of a lady who noticed some strange lumps on her body, & just kept quiet. 2yrs after that, she had a mastectomy. Even if its not health issues, and you’re feeling down, or depressed, speak to someone who you trust can help…

8. Your Cage: Stop keeping yourself in that box and say ‘I can’t do it’. There’s some weird way that things you say become reality. Stop worrying a lot, trust more. & keep telling yourself it will be well. Leave that Cage in 2013.

“Make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previously never. have thought of doing, or been too hesitant to attempt. The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences.” — Jon Krakauer

I do hope you find this useful, I’m taking my own advice! Been on a couple of adventures already. *winks*
Do let me know what you think. Drop your comments, share & RT. Have a beautiful christmas too. ๐Ÿ˜€

Perfect Man vs Perfect Woman ยค

Heeyyy everyone… Pretty Women & Handsome Men. Hope the week’s been good so far? :D. Mine’s been good!

Now, I’ve had this thought about the “perfect man/woman” on my mind for a while now. I even saw a pic on it recently! Everybody wants a perfect Man or woman.. Don’t lie. We all think about it from time to time.. :p. Soo here’s what I think bout perfect men..
1. A perfect Man doesn’t watch soccer, or discuss soccer loudly with friends.
2. The Perfect Man doesn’t drink or Smoke.
3. The Perfect Man cooks his own food, ALL the time! Doesn’t even stress the woman
4. The Perfect man goes Shopping with you, stays with you at the Salon, while you get your nails & hair done.
5. He apologises even when you’re wrong
6. The Perfect man sits with you, has heart-to-heart deep conversations. He’ll let you rant, nag & complain about nothing really!! LOL
7. He has the perfect height, weight, & baritone voice & of course Earns more than you! Everything is in order!
8. He Communicates his feelings & is in touch with his emotional side!
9. The Perfect man has only 1girl on his BBM. & that’s YOU!

*sighh* OhhEmmGee. Don’t we all want this?? Now to the Perfect Woman

1. The Perfect woman never says NO to her man
2. The Perfect Woman knows ALL about Football & VideoGames! She’s never bored when the “boys” talk about it.
3.She doesn’t serve her husband stale food, she cooks breakfast, lunch & dinner. “Microwaves” don’t exist in her world! Even when he comes home at 3am!
4. The Perfect woman is never cranky or has moodswings!! She never yells or raises her voice
5. She is always sexy & good-looking. ALL the time! Not a strand out of place! (sigh!)
6. She spends less than 10mins shopping for clothes or shoes sef! (I want to meet her!)
7. She says sorry everytime, even when its obvious he’s wrong.
8. The Perfect woman likes EVERY member of the man’s family & ALL his friends too. (Hmmph!!)
9. She collects her Salary & gives it all to her husband to do as he wants. And lastly,
10. She let’s him IM girls all d time, hang out with the boys, basically just do whatever he wants even though she’s not happy with it.

*siiigghh* no more words! Absolutely perfect indeed! But then do you know the most amazing thing that they have in common?? THE PERFECT MAN/WOMAN DOESNT EXIST!!!! Soo y’all can calm down.

A quote by Jodie Picoult
“You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them despite the fact they are not”

Also Steve Maraboli says
“Stop trying to fix yourself, you’re not broken You are imperfectly perfect, & powerful beyond measure!”

Its the mixture of our imperfections that make us unique! For crying out loud, a woman who looks good 24/7 & spends 10minutes shopping!!!!! I can’t even spend 20mins trying to figure out what to wear daily… & that’s from my tiny wardrobe! *sighh*. ๐Ÿ˜€

Whichever ways, I might be wrong and maybe they do exist, if ever you find one.. I’ll really love to meet Him/Her.

Be reasonable in your expectations from your fellow men/women.. & hopefully this world would end up a better place! โค <3. Enjoy the rest of yur week. Au revoir xxx.


Hey guys…. Wats gudd!?! Its been some time tho. Hope your weekend was good. This is going to be a rather short post! I just have one thing to say ‘CALM DOWN!’. In this day & age, this is almost impossible. Everything is moving by sooo fast.. See the Month of August and September?!!! Am I the only one who sometimes feels like d world is moving soo fast, and if you don’t keep up. They’ll leave you behind? Lool.

I just think we should try this out sometimes. Asin just sit still literally!!! Even if its just for a moment! It would help us a whole lot! I have lived in my current house for years, and I just realised that the Big No2 that was on the top of the building has been removed! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ :o. When did that happen? No Idea!!

This says a whoole lot! There are a lot of wrong decisions we’ve made at some point of our lives that if we had just calmed down.. Things would have turned out better.
I have a friend, who got robbed sometime ago. The robbers chased him and cocked their guns like a million times…………….(Pause)
Those who are familiar with guns know that you can only cock a gun once! Soo obviously the guns were fake! But because he panicked, and obviously wasn’t thinking straight, it escaped his mind & he succumbed! *sighh*. What am I saying…

We all should take a break! Take a minute! Think twice before you make that decision. All decisions in the long run have an effect on you! It might be as little as replying a text message, or talking back at someone who annoyed you, or even a large life decision.. Either ways… CALM DOWN! It goes a looong way… Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, etc..

Smell the roses today!! Pay Him/Her a compliment! Smile at someone! Tell someone you miss them! Maintain Eye contact & wink at a handsome hunk today! Tell a girl she looks lovely! Hug your siblings! Cry if you feel like seff! Take yourself to the SPA! We could go on and on.. Life is too short to run through it! Not everything you think you need to have is good for you! Take it one step at a time! Breeaathe!!! And you’ll know that LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Have a blessed week guys… xxx

Ps: Gonna use this medium to wish R&D Happy Married Life in Advance! God Bless your union!

And a Quote from William Purkey

“You’ve got to dance like there’s nobody watching
Love like you’ll never be hurt
Sing like there’s nobody listening
And live like its Heaven on Earth”

Sack of Potatoes

Heyy Everyone, how was your weekend? I stumbled upon a certain story, and I decided to share.

“My grandfather worked in a blacksmith shop when he was a boy, and he used to tell me, when I was a little boy myself, how he had toughened himself up so he could stand the rigors of blacksmithing.
One story was how he had developed his arm and shoulder muscles.ย  He said he would stand outside behind the house and, with a 5-pound empty potato sack in each hand, extend his arms straight out to his sides and hold them there as long as he could.
After a while he tried 10-pound potato sacks, then 50-pound potato sacks and finally he got to where he could lift a 100-pound potato sack in each hand and hold his arms straight out for more than a full minute!
Next, he started putting potatoes in the sacks…………..”

LOL! Its funny but has a deeper meaning to it! Most of us understand (well at least intellectually), the value of trials. Especially as young people, but when the trouble comes, its harder to deal with.ย we are quite content to hold the empty potato sacks — as long as God doesn’t put any potatoes in them!

But don’t forget, empty potato sacks will never build muscles.ย  And light trials will never develop the kind of qualities we should have. For instance, If you aren’t stressed out by an annoying boss, you won’t learn tolerance! If you aren’t thrown out of your comfort zone, you won’t learn Independence, it goes on and on. But what I’m sure of is “This too shall pass”. An adage says, No matter how long the night is, the sun must come up. No how, no how..

Some people might be able to relate to this more than others, be it an annoying boss, a terrible course/lecturer in school, a deal ure trying to get, a job, whatever it is! “This too shall pass” and you’ll come out stronger, it all depends on you!
Do have a luvly week ahead! xxx

Suggestions Of All Sorts!

Heyyy.. Hope y’all had a good day.. Mine was okay, I guess!! Sooo I took my time and compiled a list of all the entries I had gotten.. I made all the ladies I know send in a story. I had a really good laugh.. And I thought I had heard the worst things… *smh*. Just feed your eyes and have a good laugh! PS: male species.. Well done ooo. I hope some of you see this & cringe!. Enjoy ๐Ÿ˜€ =D

1. Someone said we need to consumate our passion and I was just dumbfounded. What stupid consumation ? Passion? Foh — Cassie D.

2. Someone asked ‘Do you have friends interested in going to America for quick runs?’ Suggesting I’m a runs girl! He got deleted faster than he could breathe! — T.I

3. This is quite a diversion.. But I just had to say this.. I met a girl who said “I love my boyfriend, even though he beats me. I know I deserve it. He’s just trying to correct me.” After all even the bible says ‘Spare the Rod & Spoil the child’. I almost slapped dat geh dat day.. No wonder! *smh* — Kiks!

4. A guy once said “I love you and everything, but knowing that you’ve slept with someone in the past … it’s like you’re second hand.”. Words alone can’t express how I felt! My mouth was left hanging for a long while.. *smh* — Anon!

5. The classic ‘I have a girlfriend but I’m ready to leave her for you’ *yimu* and ‘I want you to be my soul mate’ ( in this 21st century, hian! ). — T.O

6. One was asking me out and was like ‘you know Ramadan will soon start, so come to my house before we start fasting’ -pls what’s my business if Ramadan is starting? — T.O

7. There was a guy who was friends with my fiance, every time he sees me. As some strange form of greeting, he would tap my bottom. (Ah ahnn). It happened again d second time.. This time around, I was sure it wasn’t a mistake! I gave him the warning of his life! — O.L.

8. I met a guy once, he was really nice and all. I was tripping seff.(LOL!). Till he called me and said “we should go see a movie, have some dinner, then head back to my place. 2morrow morning, I would put you in a taxi back home”. I was like.. “Wait, whaat??”. He repeated himself, and said, call me when you’re ready, so I’ll come pick you up. He’s still expecting that call, a year after. — B.B

9. The stupidest a guy has said to me was when he decided to use the whole “I am from abroad thingy to woo me”. (Are you a learner?) Agbaya man.. Mschewww. — A.E

10. The stupidest and the most annoying thing any guy has ever said to me was “Aren’t you a Unilag girl, Unilag girls are not shy oo”. I’m like hunh?! As how? I was sooo burnt that day! — Queen Bee!

11. He wanted 2get married in 2014, I sed I have 2 do my masters and I intended 2 do it in the US which is 2 yrs. So he said I shld do UK 1yr and we’ll marry 2015 bt on d condition dat I change ma religion, get baptised and attend bible study. And am like hunh!? U knew I was muslim b4. Mscheww. I just had 2break up! — Anon!

12. I had met a guy, and we were thinking of marriage, till the day he told me “you have 2get pregnant first, before we start the wedding plans”. I was like hunh! Then I laughed, thinking he was kidding. He said, “I’m serious. When you get pregnant, I’m sure you’re fertile, then you’ll take it out. Then, we can start the introduction”. I was all sorts of confused. Not knowing what to say.. When the shock subsided, I insulted him, and that was the end of that relationship. *sighh* — Anon!

13. The worst I’ve heard so far, was when someone asked me, “why do you go to UNILAG? Are you poor?”. Dumbfounded, awestruck, all dese are understatements! *smh* — Becks!

We could go on and on and on. Too many stories. The only thing I can say “What were they thinking?” *sighh*. Anyways, that would be all for now.. A big thank you to the girls that shared their story, and if per chance, I missed yours. I apologise. Those who have never had any of these kind of encounters, we envy you! Read, Comment, Share, whatever! But do have a blessed day. xxx


Heyyy.. Finally got dis blog up & running.. After several attempts.. *wheww*. Technology might not be for some of us! Anyways… Its all good now.. :D. First thing I’m gonna rant bout is the kinda suggestions girls get these days from guys… I’m like reeeaallyyy!!!!! What do we look like?? Someone once told me, after telling him “I’m not interested nigga”. He said.. “You don’t know what ure talking about! You like me a lot.. But you don’t know how to express it!!” I was literally dumbfounded! All I could do was nod! *sighhh*. The beautiful life of being a girl! I’m compiling stories from my fellow girls.. Compilations should be ready first thing 2morow… Sooo, till then… As d french wud sayy.. Au revoir Princes et Princesses.. xxx